Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)

Channel Catfish
Ictalurus punctatus

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Siluriformes
Family: Ictaluridae
Genus: Ictalurus
Species: I. punctatus

Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) is North America's most numerous catfish species. It is the official fish of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska,and Tennessee, and is informally referred to as a "channel cat". In the United States, they are the most fished catfish species with approximately 8 million anglers targeting them per year. The popularity of channel catfish for food has contributed to the rapid growth of aquaculture of this species in the United States.

Baker County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Brownlee Reservoir (23) 6-12-2024 Richland, OR
Oxbow Reservoir (6) 2-21-2024 Oxbow, OR
Snake River (59) 7-6-2024  

Crook County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Antelope Flat Reservoir (4) 11-20-2024 Post, OR

Deschutes County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Wickiup Reservoir (69) 11-20-2024 La Pine, OR

Douglas County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Siltcoos Lake (13) 12-18-2024 Florence, OR

Harney County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Warm Springs Reservoir (16) 1-15-2025 Juntura, OR

Lane County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Siltcoos Lake (13) 12-18-2024 Florence, OR

Linn County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Waverly Lake (17) 2-12-2025 Albany, OR

Malheur County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Brownlee Reservoir (23) 6-12-2024 Richland, OR
Owyhee Reservoir (22) 2-12-2025 Vale, OR
Warm Springs Reservoir (16) 1-15-2025 Juntura, OR

Marion County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
St. Louis Ponds (10) 4-12-2022 Gervais, OR

Wallowa County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Hells Canyon Reservoir (25) 12-11-2024  

Washington County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Snake River (59) 7-6-2024