Chetco River Fish Report 12-02-07

Chetco River - Brookings, OR (Curry County)

by Randy Whitney
(530) 367-3656

Hello Fishermen, Saturday I fished the Chetco River with Tony and Gail. The water conditions were low and clear.The day started out with four half pounders hooked. It all changed when Tony hooked a large Steelhead, estimated after seeing it, to be at least 17 lbs. We hooked the fish in very shallow water,and as goes, the fish rolled several times and came unbutton. Shortly after Tony hooked another linerippen 12 lb Steelhead that gave him quite a fight,before it was eventually boated. With the coming rains the Steelhead fishing will only get better. Book your fishing trip now to reserve your days on the river. For information call me anytime at 530-320-2680 Randy

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Smith River
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