Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) Fish Report for 6-1-2022
Chinook fishing is in full swing in the upper river
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek) - Prospect, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing is now open in the Rogue with a daily bag limit of 5 adipose fin-clipped (hatchery) trout. Wild trout must be immediately released unharmed. Salmonflies have been popping on and off depending on where you are on the river, and golden stoneflies will soon follow. The flows have been going up, which can put the trout bite off for a day or two after large increases.
Chinook fishing is in full swing in the upper river. Bank and boat anglers are picking up fish. Bank anglers are picking up fish around the Casey Park and McGregor fishing access areas and slightly downstream. Drift boat anglers are using sardine or tuna wrapped Mag Lips or Kwikfish, or back bounding roe.
Wild winter steelhead retention is closed. Hatchery steelhead retention is open year-round. There are still winter steelhead around, with the best bets for these fish from Shady Cove upstream to the McGregor Fishing access near highway 62 crossing. But most of the winter fish is winding down, and anglers may actually end up finding themselves an early summer Steelhead.
Anglers are reminded that the Hatchery Hole, which encompasses the blocker dam to 1200 feet below, is closed to ALL fishing from April 1 through July 31. It is also closed year-round to Chinook fishing.
River floating conditions are much improved with over 2,000 cfs currently coming out of the dam. Due to more winter steelhead spawning in the mainstem this year with low tributary flows, anglers are still encouraged to be mindful of redds/nests of young fish and eggs that are still in the gravel, especially around tailouts. Please watch your step if wadding or dropping an anchor.
As of May 25, 413 new spring Chinook entered the hatchery bringing the year’s total to 989 fish. Anglers can subscribe to the most current fish counts or visit the fish counts website as updated counts are not always available at the writing of the recreation report. This past week, 29 winter steelhead entered the hatchery with 1,140 fish for the year to date. Seven more summer steelhead also entered the hatchery with 13 fish for the year to date.
The Dodge Bridge gauge was 1,500 cfs. Temperatures are reaching 60 degrees for the daily high. The McCloud guage was reading 1,210 on Wednesday with temps between 52 and 55 degrees. Flows out of the dam are 1011 cfs and 51 degrees. You can check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 1st, 2022
Umpqua River: Anglers: temporary restrictions now in effect for Umpqua River
Ana Reservoir: Ana Reservoir was stocked for Memorial Day weekend
Ana River: Ana River is a great match-the-hatch fly-fishing river
Chewaucan River: This is the best time of year to fish this river
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best bet
Heart Lake: Fishing was fantastic for folks trolling lures this past weekend!
Holbrook Reservoir: Bait anglers were also doing well near the dam
Upper Klamath Lake: Fishing has improved
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods has been stocked heavily with trophy rainbow trout
Lofton Reservoir: Trolling lures will be extremely productive last weekend
Long Creek Reservoir: Brook trout can reach up to 20 inches in the creek
Miller Lake: No fishing report
Phillips Reservoir: The reservoir is still very low and is currently 14 percent full
Pilcher Reservoir: Pilcher Reservoir is about half full
Sprague River: Fishing is fair throughout the river
North Fork Sprague River: Flows are dropping to 70 cfs
Thief Valley Reservoir: Anglers have been successful trolling for rainbows
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir is full
Williamson River: Fishing continues to be good on the Williamson River
Wolf Creek Reservoir: Wolf Creek Reservoir is currently about half full
Wood River: Water temperatures remain cold
Applegate Reservoir: All boat ramps are now open
Applegate River: The Applegate is open to trout
Arizona Pond: The pond was freshly stocked this week
Ben Irving Reservoir: Bass fishing should be pretty good right now
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper was stocked recently
Diamond Lake: Fishing seems to be improving
Fish Lake : The store, restaurant and marina are open
Floras Lake: Bank access is very limited and most anglers fish from a boat
Galesville Reservoir: ODFW has stocked a lot of trout in Galesville and the reservoir
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie campgrounds, resort and store are now open
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt has already seen its likely peak water level for the year and is now dropping daily
Illinois River: Trout fishing re-opened May 22
Lake Selmac: Weed growth is starting to pick up
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo Fishing Report
Rogue River - Middle: Water conditions have remained pretty cool in the Grants Pass area
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