Rockin' The Reels!

by Tradewinds Crew
(541) 765-2345

Rockfish, Ling Cod, and Crab, oh my! You want the best quality meat and the most exciting fishing experience? You have to come out with the Tradewinds fleet! We have been hitting limits and near limits on rockfish for the past few weeks and crabbing has stayed consistent as well.

If you have never heard of a ‘bottom fish’ before, allow me to enlighten you a little! In our past posts we have discussed rockfish but today I'd like to feature a personal favorite, the Ling Cod (Ophiodon elongatus). These fish, also known as Buffalo Cod or Cultus Cod, can live for around 25 years and max out at a length of 60 inches and weigh up to 80 pounds. They are not actually true cods as their name suggests, instead they are greenlings. They are vicious predators and will eat anything they can swallow. Often they have beautiful blue/green coloring on their skin as well as their meat which you can see when they are fileted.  

Don’t miss your chance to catch one of these vibrant, tasty fish. Call for available spaces and book your next trip at (541) 765-2345 or you can use our website. Quit Wishin’!

If you would like to go fishing or whale watching with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (541) 765-2345.

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Baleen Babies
Depoe Bay is home to a species called Gray Whales (Eschrichtitus robustus). They are a baleen whale which means instead of cone shaped teeth that other toothed whales have, this group instead has thick, fibrous material in their place. That’s because they are filter feeders that mainly consume small crustaceans or bottom dwellers like amphipods and mysid shrimp. The baleen acts as a filter to flush out the water and only retain the small animals they are feeding on. 1...... Read More

Tradewinds Crew Reports
for Friday, August 19th, 2022

: Flukes Up For Friday
: Simply [Crab]ulous!