Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 1-24-2024
Santiam River North Fork Report
Santiam River ( North Fork) - Stayton, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at around 15,000 cfs at the gauge in Mehama. High flows are likely to persist into next week.
This time of year is slow for fishing as there is not much currently in the river worth targeting. There are a few summer steelhead around, primarily in the upper portion of the river below Packsaddle, but the run this year was very poor. And with the usual high flows this time of year catching one is extremely unlikely. Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. Any unclipped (wild) steelhead or trout that are caught must be released unharmed. The chinook fishery usually begins in April.
There are several large, downed trees in the river creating some dangerous hazards for boaters in the lower river. For more information check out the Oregon State Marine Board website.
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