Oregon Fish Report
Deschutes River Fish Report for 10-1-2007
Deschutes River Fish Report for 10-1-2007
Deschutes River Fish Report 10-01-07
Deschutes River - Maupin, OR

by Rich and Kathy Youngers
Trout: Trout fishing has picked up.????October Caddis will be the main attraction?? this month.
Steelhead: Steelhead are dispersed from the mouth upstream to Trout Creek with a few all the way up to Warm Springs. ?? The best steelhead fishing has been from Maupin downstream. ?? Overall steelhead fishing has been spotty.?? Anglers should focus their efforts on morning and evening hours, as the sun leaves the river.
Suggested steelhead patterns:?? Youngers Steelhead Mojo , Youngers Summer Run, Green Butt Skunk, Purple Peril, Streetwalker, Freight Train, Purple Articulated Leech, Fly Dejour, Undertaker and Steel Tooka.
Suggested Trout patterns for the month of October.?? Surface Hatches:???? ??October Caddis, Saddle- Case, Spotted Caddis, Green, Mahogany Duns, ??Ants, Beetles, grasshoppers, and midges.
Patterns:?? October Caddis adult (sz 6-8), Tan, Olive Elk Hair Caddis (Sz 12-18), Gray bodied elk hair caddis (sz.16-18), Mahagony Duns (sz.16), Dave's Hopper (size 8-12), Parachute Hopper (size 8-12), Turck's Tarantula (size 8-12). Griffith's Gnat (size 14-20), Zebra Midge (size 14-20).
Nymphs:?? Rock Worm, Cased Caddis, Various Nymphs. Patterns:???? Gray bodied soft hackles (sz. 16-18),?? October Caddis Larva and pupa (sz. 8), Kaufmann's Black?? Stone (Sz 4-8), Golden Stone Nymph (Sz 6-8), Green Rock Worm (Sz 12-16), Cream or Green Cased Caddis (Sz 12-16), Little Green Caddis (Sz 14-18), Tan Deep Sparkle Pupa (Sz 12-14), Emergent Sparkle Pupa Gray (Sz 16)
Steelhead: Steelhead are dispersed from the mouth upstream to Trout Creek with a few all the way up to Warm Springs. ?? The best steelhead fishing has been from Maupin downstream. ?? Overall steelhead fishing has been spotty.?? Anglers should focus their efforts on morning and evening hours, as the sun leaves the river.
Suggested steelhead patterns:?? Youngers Steelhead Mojo , Youngers Summer Run, Green Butt Skunk, Purple Peril, Streetwalker, Freight Train, Purple Articulated Leech, Fly Dejour, Undertaker and Steel Tooka.
Suggested Trout patterns for the month of October.?? Surface Hatches:???? ??October Caddis, Saddle- Case, Spotted Caddis, Green, Mahogany Duns, ??Ants, Beetles, grasshoppers, and midges.
Patterns:?? October Caddis adult (sz 6-8), Tan, Olive Elk Hair Caddis (Sz 12-18), Gray bodied elk hair caddis (sz.16-18), Mahagony Duns (sz.16), Dave's Hopper (size 8-12), Parachute Hopper (size 8-12), Turck's Tarantula (size 8-12). Griffith's Gnat (size 14-20), Zebra Midge (size 14-20).
Nymphs:?? Rock Worm, Cased Caddis, Various Nymphs. Patterns:???? Gray bodied soft hackles (sz. 16-18),?? October Caddis Larva and pupa (sz. 8), Kaufmann's Black?? Stone (Sz 4-8), Golden Stone Nymph (Sz 6-8), Green Rock Worm (Sz 12-16), Cream or Green Cased Caddis (Sz 12-16), Little Green Caddis (Sz 14-18), Tan Deep Sparkle Pupa (Sz 12-14), Emergent Sparkle Pupa Gray (Sz 16)
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