Salmon fishing continues to be excellent

by Tradewinds Crew
(541) 765-2345

Bottom fishing was a little slow up in the north area off Lincoln City we were told and was really hot down south of Depoe Bay.  A few lingcod were caught but not all that many today.

The crabbing report was pretty good for the boats out in about 60-70 feet of water off the beach area north of Depoe Bay with one boat bringing in 40+.

Salmon fishing continues to be excellent with three boats today limiting and the fish are gaining weight it seems by the day.  There were a few in the 8-pound range today and one nice King salmon reported.  The picture on this report off the Mariner and his limit catch in about 3 1/2 hours

If you would like to go fishing or whale watching with us please BOOK ONLINE or call (541) 765-2345.

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