Oregon Fish Report
Crooked River Fish Report for 7-6-2007
Crooked River Fish Report for 7-6-2007
Crooked River Fish Report 07-06-07
Crooked River - Prineville, OR

by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359
The Canyon has been fishing fair to good early mornings and again around dusk. Most rainbows are measuring between 10-14 inches, so a three or four weight is best suited.?? The whitefish are plentiful (as always!) in the Crooked and best caught deep using size 18 tan BH Scuds, Size 16 olive BH Sparkle Pupa and size 18 BH Flash Back PT's.
If?? targeting Redside Trout, one would be better off staying on top using dries, as the whitefish seldom rise to the surface.?? It's a caddis fest with a few PMD's, PED's, midges mixed in. In the a.m, stick to tan and olive Elk Hair Caddis with a size 20 Tailwater Tiny dropper. ??Another player off the bench is an Extended Body PMD Dun size 16. Come 8:00 ~ dark'30 a Partridge Peacock Soft Hackle size 14-16 or an Olive Sparkle Pupa size 14-16 is all you need. The down and across soft-hackle swing can make for some easy catching.
If?? targeting Redside Trout, one would be better off staying on top using dries, as the whitefish seldom rise to the surface.?? It's a caddis fest with a few PMD's, PED's, midges mixed in. In the a.m, stick to tan and olive Elk Hair Caddis with a size 20 Tailwater Tiny dropper. ??Another player off the bench is an Extended Body PMD Dun size 16. Come 8:00 ~ dark'30 a Partridge Peacock Soft Hackle size 14-16 or an Olive Sparkle Pupa size 14-16 is all you need. The down and across soft-hackle swing can make for some easy catching.
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Clackamas River Fish Report 07-05-07
Clackamas RiverPlenty of hatchery Independence Day Steelhead to be had from Barton up all the way to upper McIver.?? The bite has been good in the wee hours between 5:30 am and 9:00 am and again right at dusk.?? As soon as the rubber boat hatch starts late morning, the fishing slows! The water is bony (11.99 Estacada Gauge) which makes a tough day on the oars if you are in a drift boat. Use caution. Before the sun hits the water,...... Read More
Kaufman Streamborn Reports
for Monday, July 2nd, 2007
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