Lower Deschutes River Fish Report 11-17-07

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

Well, this is a good time of year on the Deschutes.?? Although TROUT fishing??starts to taper off a bit in November and December, targeting??redsides is worth the effort.???? Nymphing for trout with a 6 wt is a good idea because you may hook a Steelie and having a little extra "wood" to lay on 'em helps.?? Keep an eye out for Fall hatches.?? STEELHEAD are viable from the Mouth all the way up to the dam.?? Don't let the weather stop you from gettin out there!!?? Expect water levels to??be higher than normal for the rest of the season.??

Please be aware of spawnig beds... it may be tempting to wade out to redds that have fish spawning -- BUT if you want the Deschutes to continue being a blue ribbon trout stream AND great steelhead fishery, respect the beautiful Steelies, trout, and precious few Chinook. We all want our great-grandkids to enjoy this river, don't we?


DRIES: BWOs,??Henryville Caddis,??Mahogany Duns,??Yellow comparadun, Rusty Spinner, Paraschute Adams.

NYMPHS: Copper John, soft hackles, peasant tail, Angle Case emerger, sparkle pupa, serendipity, prince, green rock worm,October caddis nymphs, wooly buggers (on sinking line!!).STEELIES: Green butt skunk, macks canyon, a-leach, wally walker, red-winged blackbird, Freight Train

More Reports

The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, November 17th, 2007
Metolius River: Metolius River Fish Report 11-17-07
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Fish Report 11-17-07
Fall River: Fall River Fish Report 11-17-07
Crooked River: Crooked River Fish Report 11-17-07
Deschutes River- Upper: Upper Deschutes River Fish Report 11-17-07
Grande Ronde River: Grande Ronde River Fish Report 11-17-07
North Umpqua River: North Umpqua River Fish Report 11-17-07
: South Santiam River Fish Report 11-17-07