Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

Chinook Salmon
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Genus: Oncorhynchus
Species: O. tshawytscha

The body of the chinook salmon is elongate and somewhat compressed. The head is conical. The color is bluish to dark gray above, becoming silvery on the sides and belly. There are black spots on the back and on both lobes of the tail. While five species of salmon occur along the Pacific Coast, over 99% of all salmon caught in the ocean off California are either chinook or cohos. Chinook and coho salmon can be distinguished by the color of the lining of the gums at the base of the teeth. In chinook salmon, this lining is blackish, while in cohos it is white.

Baker County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Snake River (59) 7-6-2024  
Snake River- Below Hells Canyon Reservoir (34) 7-16-2024  

Benton County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Alsea River (231) 1-8-2025 Alsea, OR
Yaquina River (172) 1-8-2025 Newport, OR

Clackamas County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Clackamas River (78) 12-4-2024 Estacada, OR
Molalla River (8) 4-7-2020 Molalla, OR
Sandy River (69) 12-4-2024 Sandy, OR

Clatsop County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Buoy 10 (14) 9-14-2022 Pacific Ocean,
Necanicum River (103) 2-5-2025 Seaside, OR
Nehalem River (209) 1-29-2025 Nehalm, OR

Columbia County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Columbia River (233) 10-23-2024  
Nehalem River (209) 1-29-2025 Nehalm, OR

Coos County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Coos River (196) 1-22-2025 Coos Bay, OR
Coquille River (226) 1-22-2025 Coquille, OR
Sixes River (77) 2-5-2025 Port Orford, OR

Curry County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Chetco River (495) 2-13-2025 Brookings, OR
Elk River (172) 2-5-2025 Port Orford, OR
Floras Lake (310) 5-29-2024 Port Orford, OR
Garrison Lake (114) 2-5-2025 Port Orford, OR
Pistol River (7) 3-24-2022 Pistol River, Oregon
Port of Brookings Harbor (22) 10-20-2018 Brookings, OR
Rogue Bay (10) 9-29-2022 Gold Beach, OR
Sixes River (77) 2-5-2025 Port Orford, OR
Winchuck River (28) 2-5-2025 OR

Douglas County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
North Umpqua River (63) 5-29-2024 Roseburg, OR
Siltcoos Lake (13) 12-18-2024 Florence, OR
Smith River (99) 10-31-2024 Reedsport, OR
Umpqua River (151) 2-5-2025 Roseburg, OR

Grant County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
John Day River (47) 1-29-2025 Dayville, OR

Harney County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
John Day River (47) 1-29-2025 Dayville, OR

Jackson County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Fish Lake (273) 2-13-2025 Lakecreek, OR

Jefferson County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Lake Billy Chinook (42) 1-8-2025 Culvar, OR

Josephine County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Rogue River - Middle (147) 2-5-2025 Grants Pass, OR

Lane County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Alsea River (231) 1-8-2025 Alsea, OR
Coast Fork Willamette River (9) 11-27-2024 Cottage Grove, OR
Siltcoos Lake (13) 12-18-2024 Florence, OR
Siuslaw River (191) 1-8-2025 Florence, OR
Upper McKenzie (5) 6-25-2020 OR,
Willamette River (64) 11-27-2024 Portland, OR

Lincoln County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Alsea River (231) 1-8-2025 Alsea, OR
Salmon River (177) 1-8-2025 Otis, OR
Siletz River (476) 1-8-2025 Lincoln City, OR
Yaquina River (172) 1-8-2025 Newport, OR

Linn County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Detroit Reservoir (147) 1-22-2025 Detroit, OR
Green Peter Reservoir (83) 1-22-2025 Sweet, OR

Marion County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Detroit Reservoir (147) 1-22-2025 Detroit, OR

Multnomah County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Columbia River (233) 10-23-2024  
Lower Willamette River (3) 5-19-2021 Oregon City, OR
Sandy River (69) 12-4-2024 Sandy, OR

Polk County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Salmon River (177) 1-8-2025 Otis, OR
Siletz River (476) 1-8-2025 Lincoln City, OR

Sherman County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Deschutes River- Lower (364) 2-5-2025 Maupin, OR

Tillamook County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Kilchis River (232) 2-5-2025 Idaville, OR
Nehalem River (209) 1-29-2025 Nehalm, OR
Nestucca River (297) 2-5-2025 Pacific, OR
Salmon River (177) 1-8-2025 Otis, OR
Tillamook Bay (105) 11-27-2024 Bay City, OR
Trask River (276) 2-5-2025 Tillamook , OR
Wilson River (266) 2-5-2025 Tillamook , OR

Union County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Grande Ronde River (74) 1-8-2025 Colville, OR
Wallowa River (66) 1-8-2025 Wallowa , OR

Wallowa County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Wallowa River (66) 1-8-2025 Wallowa , OR

Wasco County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Deschutes River- Lower (364) 2-5-2025 Maupin, OR

Washington County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Snake River (59) 7-6-2024  

Yamhill County Fishing Spots
Name (# of Reports) Last Update Location
Nestucca River (297) 2-5-2025 Pacific, OR