Steelhead counts over Bonneville are still low

Hood River - Hood River, OR (Hood River County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Steelhead counts over Bonneville are still low, but fish are steadily coming over the dam. Water levels on the Hood are on "the drop" from high flows, and a few anglers have been out fishing. Many anglers are successful on the Hood bobber-fishing with a soft bead. ‌

The winter steelhead run on the Hood River generally peaks mid to late March and the bag limit is 3 hatchery steelhead per day.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Fourmile Lake: The Lake is blocked by snow and is currently 27 percent full
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is not frozen
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake is ice-free
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is open water and there will likely be no ice fishing this year
Pilcher Reservoir: As the ice continues to melt, bank fishing opportunities will improve
Sky Lakes Wilderness Lakes: Snow is blocking access and there's snow at all the lakes
Sycan River: Flows are high at 96 cfs
Thief Valley Reservoir: Thief Valley Reservoir is now ice-free
Agate Lake: Agate Reservoir continues to rise and is now 68 percent full
Applegate River: The release from the dam is 750 cfs, and the temperature at release is 43F
Arizona Pond: Good numbers of trout are swimming around the pond
Ben Irving Reservoir: Some anglers find more success using bait than lures
Coquille River: The North Fork Coquille River has been fishable this week
Elk River: Boat anglers are having pretty good success side drifting from Elk River Hatchery down to Ironhead boat ramp
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is still at 29 percent full and filling very slowly
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is 55 percent full and trout fishing on the ice should continue to be good
Illinois River: The river is fishable and winter steelhead have been reported up to Green Bridge
Lost Creek Lake: Bank fishing near the dam was productive recently
Rogue River - Middle: The Rogue is currently in great shape
Rogue River- Upper: The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is 2,000 cfs and the temperature at release is 42.5F
Sixes River: River conditions have improved enough for anglers to start looking for steelead
Tenmile Lakes: Steelhead fishing has been good one day and slow the next on Tenmile Creek lately
Alsea River: Some early winter steelhead have entered the Alsea River basin
Kilchis River: The Kilchis is low and clear
Miami River: Fishing will be slow in the low water conditions
Necanicum River: The Necanicum River is getting low and we need rain to improve fishing conditions
Nehalem River: The Nehalem is in good fishing conditions
Nehalem River- North Fork: The North Fork Nehalem is getting low and clear
Nestucca River: The Nestucca has dropped into good fishing conditions
Salmon River: Early winter steelhead have been entering the system
Siletz River: Like the Salmon and Alsea rivers, the first big push of winter steelhead have entered the system
Siuslaw River: The Siuslaw is open for retention of hatchery winter steelhead
Three Rivers: Fishing should continue to be fair to good this week
Yaquina River: Winter steelhead will be entering the system
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Will be stocked again this week
Green Peter Reservoir: Green Peter is about 40 feet above the toe slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running at around 9,700 cfs at the gauge in Mehama
Crescent Lake: Crescent Lake is currently 14 percent full
Crooked River: The USBOR has initiated flood control operations from Bowman Dam
Deschutes River: Flows on the Deschutes were high last week and the river had quite a bit of color
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack is currently at 76 percent full